About Us

Who We Are & What We Value

Who We Are

Crieta differentiating itself by combining the best of both carrier-neutral and asset-based approaches. With carrier-neutral approach, Crieta acts as a facilitator to arrange efficient and economical movement of goods and through a single point of contact, provides you access to a vast range of qualified carriers and multiple mode of transportation services.

Combination of these two approaches allows you to profit from more cost effective and efficient end-to-end operations thus effecting the bottom line of your business. At Crieta, creating elegant solutions and pushing boundaries are what we’ve been doing for decades and what continues to make us different every day.

Fast Fact

 ✔ 300+ Modern fleet of company-owned vehicles (closed box build up, tronton, trailers, cdd/cde)
 ✔ In-house auto workshop supported by 60+ mechanics & technicians
 ✔ 24 hours service centers strategically located accross Java island (Surabaya, Tuban, Semarang, Tegal, Palimanan, Jakarta
 ✔ Company owned Automotive Spare Part Shops and Gas Station (SPBU) for a better control of maintenance and operation.
 ✔Geographical partnership with major carriers enabling transportation across Indonesia

Strong Value

We take pride in our strong team culture – one of mutual trust, learning, sharing, care, willingness, cooperation and concern. 

At CRIETA, Innovation has Become the Way We Do Things Every Day.

We dream to create an organization where we are known to have best quality services and to create best place to work. We relentlessly dedicate ourselves to craft better solutions for our customers. We constantly strive to improve every aspect of our job to be the best in our field. With strong obsession to detail, we make strive of perfection as our everyday habit.

Every Problem is Our Learning Opportunity

We view every problem that we discover in the process of serving our customers as opportunity to improve ourselves so that we can present service with highest standard to our customers. Solving problem has become our second nature because we believe that we grow fastest through learning from problems

Curiosity is the Fuel of Our Growth

Creativity and curiosity runs deep in the heart of every of our people. Therefore we give plenty opportunities for our people to learn from the expert, practice what we learn and share it to one another in order to continuously stimulate curiosity of our people.

We Believe in Commitment & Integrity

Commitment to roll great services and other initiatives that impactlives both within and outside the organization without compromising the truth.

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